Episode 393 - 2023. Is This the Year VFX Dies?

Episode 393 - 2023. Is This the Year VFX Dies?

Episode 393 - 2023. Is This the Year VFX Dies?

Episode 393 - 2023. Is This the Year VFX Dies?

Episode 393 – 2023. Is This the Year VFX Dies?

It is amazing how far Artificial Intelligence has progressed just in the last year! No one could’ve predicted the speed of this innovation. A lot of artists are now worried about being replaced with machine learning. While AI can automate and speed things up, it is still up to us as artists to know how to use it as an extension of their ability.

Before, we couldn’t talk to computers. We could only program computers via 1’s and 0’s. When GPT came along, we started communicating with a computer and giving AI commands. AI is also able to read the internet and interpret the data it consumes. It knows that it also has to fail in order to succeed. Eventually, it will perform the task correctly. That alone changes the playing field!

But what does that mean for artists? We used to think AI would be assigned repetitive tasks. But now AI is able to create art using the style of another artist. Things like that disrupt the industry. It’s a threatening time for a lot of artists. With the advent of Stable Diffusion, Midjourney, DALL-E, ChatGPT, it’s a really exciting time to be alive! All of these models that came out in the past year. As a matter of fact, Stable Diffusion is one a couple of months old (www.allanmckay.com/390)!

Innovation has always been threatening. As humans, we’re naturally fearful of change. No one can predict what’s going to happen. But historically, those who are early adapters of innovation – they win! Those who are fearful get left behind. Which is why it’s important for every artist to continue to evolve. So let’s not be afraid of this new technology but instead embrace it and be on the forefront of it. In other words: ADAPT OR DIE.

In this Podcast, Allan McKay discusses the most recent developments in Artificial Intelligence, the rapid speed of this innovation, how it’s been affecting artists’ jobs – and why it’s important for artists to innovate in order to be on the forefront of this new technology.

Is AI Art Taking Over?: www.allanmckay.com/383

Allan McKay’s Podcast with Stable Diffusion’s Creative Director: www.allanmckay.com/390


Hi, everyone!

This is Allan McKay. Welcome to Episode 393! This is a solo Episode. I want to talk on the topic of AI and VFX – and whether AI is going to take our jobs.

I think this one is going to resonate with a lot of people. People are unsure about where we stand with Artificial Intelligence and the state of Stable Diffusion, Midjourney and DALL-E. I’ve talked about this before (www.allanmckay.com/383) but a lot of things have changed since then.

I know this is a really hot topic!

So let’s dive in!


[01:07]  Have you ever sent in your reel and wondered why you didn’t get the callback or what the reason was you didn’t get the job? Over the past 20 years of working for studios like ILM, Blur Studio, Ubisoft, I’ve built hundreds of teams and hired hundreds of artists — and reviewed thousands of reels! That’s why I decided to write The Ultimate Demo Reel Guide from the perspective of someone who actually does the hiring. You can get this book for free right now at www.allanmckay.com/myreel!

[47:17] One of the biggest problems we face as artists is figuring out how much we’re worth. I’ve put together a website. Check it out: www.VFXRates.com! This is a chance for you to put in your level of experience, your discipline, your location — and it will give you an accurate idea what you and everyone else in your discipline should be charging. Check it out: www.VFXRates.com!

Okay, what did you think? I hope you got a lot from this Episode. I know this is a huge topic!

I’ll be back next week with a new Episode.

Until then –

Rock on!

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