Episode 389 - Should I Go to a VFX School?
Episode 389 - Should I Go to a VFX School?
Episode 389 – Should I Go to a VFX School?
The most commonly asked questions that get asked are:
- “Should I go to school to study VFX?”
- “Should I study online?”
- “What school / online community should I join?”
Attending a school is a more traditional way of learning. However, because of the speed at which technology is changing, school is not always the best route. Throughout the history of this Podcast, Allan has interviewed many artists and VFX supervisors and they attest that: Learning on the job — is the best and the fastest route to learn!
The biggest myth in VFX is that you need a diploma in order to get a job. But in reality, the most important thing in getting hired is knowing that you can do that job, even if you were to get hired tomorrow. The only place where a diploma actually matters is when you’re applying for a work visa in a different country. Otherwise, the most important tool in getting hired – is your REEL!
If you spend 4 years at a college, you could’ve spent that time getting experience in the industry. In addition, the price tag of getting a formal education (especially in the US) is so high, your student debt adds to the pressure of having to get a job right after school. In 4 years, you could’ve already built a reel and a network necessary for you to get that first job. Many studios offer internships and training on how to use their proprietary tools anyway. The more you’re self-taught, the more open you are to learning.
If you choose to study online, you often get to study with people who are already working in visual effects. That means that they will be teaching you the latest skills and technology. You can get access to those people through live reviews. You can also start building your community with other students – who are also going on to work in VFX.
In this Podcast, Allan discusses the 3 CHOICES OF LEARNING – and the pros and cons of every choice:
- Studying in college / at a university;
- Studying online for free;
- Paying for online courses.
Learn just in time – not just in case. With VFX being a fast-paced and quickly changing industry, you have to keep learning all the time. You have to keep going back to the drawing board and getting new skills. No matter the route you take – you have to go all in!
In his answer to the most frequently asked question SHOULD I GO TO A VFX SCHOOL?, Allan McKay breaks down the pros and cons of studying at a 4-year university versus studying online and why a VFX artist must be constantly learning – no matter the route! – as well as the importance of going all in!
Hi, everyone!
This is Allan McKay. Welcome to Episode 389!
This is the one question that I get asked the most: Should I go to a VFX school? I talk about the pros and cons of going to school versus studying online. I think this is a beneficial one for everyone.
I talk about:
- The pros of going to school like finding your community – which becomes your network;
- How COVID-19 has changed the education to having an option of studying online;
- The cons of going to school and the fact that academia cannot keep up with the speed of technological innovation;
- The importance of researching the curriculum and your future instructors, if you are thinking of enrolling at a university;
- The price tag of former education – and how student debt adds to the pressure of having to get the job.
- How studying online allows you to choose your own courses and give you an opportunity to learn to troubleshoot (and VFX is all about troubleshooting);
- Why studying on your own keep your skills and knowledge more relevant;
- When learning online, you have to weed out through massive content on the internet – to get to the instructors who are actually qualified;
- Why studying on your own teaches you to troubleshoot on your own and makes you more open to learning new things;
- When learning on your own, how having a slower PC holds you back – or it can be your secret weapon!
Please take a moment to share this Episode with others.
Let’s dive in!
[01:19] Have you ever sent in your reel and wondered why you didn’t get the callback or what the reason was you didn’t get the job? Over the past 20 years of working for studios like ILM, Blur Studio, Ubisoft, I’ve built hundreds of teams and hired hundreds of artists — and reviewed thousands of reels! That’s why I decided to write The Ultimate Demo Reel Guide from the perspective of someone who actually does the hiring. You can get this book for free right now at www.allanmckay.com/myreel!
[21:09] One of the biggest problems we face as artists is figuring out how much we’re worth. I’ve put together a website. Check it out: www.VFXRates.com! This is a chance for you to put in your level of experience, your discipline, your location — and it will give you an accurate idea what you and everyone else in your discipline should be charging. Check it out: www.VFXRates.com!
Okay, what did you think? What are your thoughts on this? I’d love to hear from you.
I’ll be back with some killer Episodes. Lots of great stuff coming up!
Until next week –
Rock on!
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